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De-Stressing At Work: Your Mood Booster Toolbox

As temperatures drop and days get shorter, moods are sure to get crankier. This month our blogs will focus on self care and everyday positivity. Sometimes we need to reach for something quickly to realign and get us into a better mindset - and that is what this “mood booster toolbox” is for

Super Snacks

As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. The snacks you have on your desk or in your vehicle can have a significant impact on your mood. Try having foods such as nuts, popcorn, berries, and dark chocolate on hand. Bananas and oranges are also great and portable fruits to have around. All of these foods help keep your serotonin levels up, helping you manage through a stressful day. Swapping coffee with tea will also keep your caffeine levels a little lower, preventing the dreaded afternoon crash.

Leave and Come Back

If you’re feeling caught up in a project and the answers aren’t coming to you, it might be a sign that you need a break. When faced with these mental blocks, take a detour. Get up, stretch, and walk around. If you can go outside, do so! By getting your body moving, your brain will produce endorphins, which relieve anxiety and stress. A fifteen minute walk will help take your mind off of what you were doing and allow you to come back with a refreshed perspective.

Talk it out

Wherever your stress is coming from, a great way to work it out is to talk to a friend about it. Maybe while you’re on your walk, you can stop by a coworker’s desk for a chat. Call a friend or close relative; they know you best and can give you advice, or simply cheer you up. Social interaction is a sure-fire mood booster, made all the more precious during the pandemic.

Do Something You Like

Break away from your stressors by taking a moment to do something you enjoy. This could be anything: listening to music, decorating your workstation, or drawing the birds outside the window to name a few. If you’re working from home, play with a pet! If you’re on the road, crank up the tunes and jam out to your favorite song. Whatever makes you happy, take a break and go do it. If you keep trying to hold your nose to the grindstone, not only will you be less happy, you’ll be less productive.

Your Mental Health Is Important

When coping with stress, there are countless methods and strategies. You may find that different methods work at different times. That is why I’m calling this “the toolbox.” You don’t always need every single tool, but they are there for you to select from. They’re meant to help you de-stress in a healthy way. Make sure you listen to yourself and do what you need to stay mentally healthy. If nothing is working, and you feel constant feelings of anxiety or depression, it may be wise to seek the advice of a professional. Your mental health is important, especially during a challenging year like this.



Inc. - How to De-Stress at Work Instantly: 15 Ways to Calm Your Mind

Eat This, Not That! - 13 Mood-Boosting Snacks to Make Your Day Better

Healthline - 15 Ways to Calm Yourself Down


By Aubrey Dion

Aubrey Dion is proud to be back working for the family business she grew up in. Over the years, she has performed a wide variety of jobs in both the office and factory, becoming a true "jack of all trades." Aubrey credits her quick learning ability to her strong theatre background, where memorization and attention to detail are vital. Working in the marketing department allows her to stay creative and work on exciting new projects for the company.