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We will use your feedback to improve our offerings and services. If you haven't visited E.A. Dion in a while, we've provided some information on this page to share some of the benefits of working with us to offer custom jewelry award programs.

Custom Recognition Jewelry Programs

Make You Money for Years to Come

Custom jewelry products work well for a variety of recognition goals and for certain industries in particular. Learn more about these very lucrative programs.

about your program needs


There are several program types particularly well-suited to custom jewelry

Custom jewelry products tie the award to the company, continually reminding the recipient how much the company appreciates their effort. Here are some programs that lend themselves beautifully to custom jewelry.

Rewarding Commitment & Loyalty

Every company has a need to reward its most loyal, committed employees, and finding the right rewards for 1, 5, and 10-year intervals can be challenging!

The most prevalent employee-recognition award program for medium-to-large companies. 

Rewarding Performance

Do you have clients that are sales organizations or have a competitive sales force?

Add-a-diamond upgradeable ring and jewelry programs are very popular with top sales earners.

Rewarding Achievement

Are your clients looking for ways to reward achievement and motivation?

These recognition awards can be seen throughout almost all network marketing firms, and in many other industries as well.

Rewarding Safe Behavior

Years of safe driving and miles of safe driving rings, buckles, and other jewelry awards are popular ways trucking and fleet companies create a culture of safety.

So . . . How Big is the Recognition Award Program Business?


Percent of companies with Length-of-Service programs.


Average number of recognition programs in place per company.


Percent of organizations that have a budget for recognition programs.

Statics  based on a World-at-Work "Trends in Employee Recognition Report"

3 Industries

In Which

Custom Jewelry Programs Work Particularly Well

Certain industries have a distinct affinity for custom jewelry recognition awards. Consider these industry needs when reaching out to your clients and prospects.

Women-Centric Industries

Industries like network marketing (Avon, Tupperwware), beauty, and health/wellness product companies that have a female-majority workforce have an affinity for custom jewelry awards.

Off Site Sales

In industries that rely on field sales (like insurance, automobile sales, and pharmaceuticals), upgradeable sales award rings allow top performers to wear their recognition rewards wherever they go.

ID Required

For employees required to wear ID, a security card, or visible license on their person, custom years-of-service badge holder emblems are very popular as a functional, wear-every-day award.

Let's Get Started

With just a logo, E. A. Dion can put together unique, stylish designs your customers will love. Take a look at our design capabilities, examples of custom jewelry we have created for others, and administrative service capabilities. We can provide you with all the support you need to make running a recognition jewelry program simple, fast, and profitable.