Distributor: Imperial Marketing
Objective: To design and manufacture a distinctively new ring to set it apart from previous designs, while staying within Chrysler’s budget
Sometimes all the planets line up just right to satisfy a client, provide a unique one-of-a-kind product and welcome in a new era for a company. The Chrysler Sales Consultant “Logo-Pop” ring was just this type of alignment for Chrysler Group LLC.
Chrysler has had an award ring program for many years, supplied by their distributor partner Imperial Marketing. To be awarded a ring (and in subsequent years have diamonds added to it), dealer personnel have to qualify in a number categories, including number of cars sold, results of customer survey responses, amount of training received from corporate, and many other areas. These prestigious rings are prized and envied by Chrysler colleagues and new customers see that they are working with a skilled professional.
In recent history, Chrysler suffered through several financial challenges and has recently regained its sure footing for the future. Over the past couple of years, the award ring program was repeatedly reviewed and Chrysler realized the immense value that dealers had for these award rings and what an important part of Chrysler’s sales and training incentive programs these rings were. So the ring program has not only survived, but is an integral part of the sales and training incentive program for the future.
With this in mind, Chrysler wanted to make a bold statement about its new, more vibrant company. One way it wanted to do this was with a distinctive new ring design to set it apart from any previous ring. One way it wanted to communicate this was wht a distinctive new ring design to set it apart from any previous ring. Imperial Marketing worked with Dion to come up with this new look, that also stayed within Chrysler’s budget. The result if this journey is the Chrysler Sales Consultant “Logo-Pop” Award Ring. This truly one-of-a-kind ring incorporates the patented Logo-Pop insert – a removable insert backed with an o-ring that securely holds the insert in place. The benefits of this ring design go well beyond its stylish nature. From an award program standpoint, this “insert” design makes for immensely easier, and less expensive, award updating. With the new inserts, recipients can “upgrade” their ring themselves – eliminating the need for shipping and handling charges back and forth, as well as the need to “llive up” your ring while it is being upgraded.
Another addition to the Chrysler Sales consultant award program is a pendant option for ladies. This was a popular option, as many ladies preferred a jewelry award other than a ring and the design allowed for a jewelry item comparable in size to the man’s ring.
As a Distributor, “Pop” jewelry makes a lot of sense for an upgradeable award program. It allows for greater flexibility and ease of the upgrade process, costs considerably less in shipping and handling. Next time an opportunity comes your way where an upgradeable or multi-level jewelry program might fit, consider Logo-Pops – and the stars might just align for you too!