Your Best Opportunities are Just Across the Hall
We all know it's smarter and easier to increase sales with existing customers than finding new ones. Are you overlooking great opportunities with the customers you already have?
Whether you're selling to the Marketing Department, Events Department, or elsewhere, you should look into what the company does to recognize their employees - for Years of Service, Sales Recognition, Safe Driving, etc. You're already selling to the company, so you already have a relationship. They already like and trust you. Your current contact can probably share a wealth of information on what the company does, and probably who is responsible for the programs.
a few tips for starting the conversation
Years of Service - Over 80% of US companies have a years of service program, and they are usually handled by HR. Thousands of these companies still give out traditional years of service pins. Lots of things have changed over the years, but the tradition of the pin lives on in many companies. However, these days almost every employee has to wear an ID badge. So if your customer still gives out pins, walk into HR and show them our custom years of service badge holders. They already have the budget, and now employees will be wearing their years of service award every day!
Sales Recognition - Many companies select different gifts every year to honor their sales people that reach certain milestones - luggage, watches, etc. They also usually have pretty good budgets. It's difficult to come up with new ideas every year (since so often the same salespeople are recognized again and again). So the next time you are asked to come in with ideas, let us design a custom sales award ring to present. You can show them how in a few years you begin saving them money by adding diamonds to the rings of repeat winners instead of paying for the full cost of another new item. You will look like a budget hero!
Safe Driver Recognition - Unlike other safety programs, where inexpensive items are given out frequently, any company with a truck fleet probably has a special program for Safe Driver Recognition. Companies recognize their drivers for safely driven miles, or time without an incident (and sometimes both). So find the company's Fleet Manager and introduce yourself. We can arm you with examples of what many nationally known companies do for their drivers.
And best of all - When you sell a recognition award program, it is a legacy sale and will provide profits to you for years to come!
Annual Flag Day Celebration at Dion
A proud tradition we celebrate each year at Dion is Flag Day (this year it was on Sunday so we celebrated on Friday June 12). We met in the lawn in front of the flagpole for a flag raising ceremony and short speech from Dennis Dion, co-owner and SVP of Operations, followed by ice cream.
This year was a little different - with everyone in masks and 6 feet apart, and individually wrapped ice cream novelties vs. scooped this year. But everyone enjoyed a nice afternoon outside and a sweet treat!